About Lenna

Photo credit: Vicki Knights

“I vowed to be the support I wish I’d had”.

A dog mama, coach, chef, comedian, and mystic. I’m a collection of contradictions and paradoxes, embodying what integration looks like for me. My healing journey has been a quest to unearth my truest self and to welcome all parts of who I am.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned on my wild healing journey, it’s that authenticity is everything.

I spent most of my life moulding myself into society’s idea of who I should be and supressing my true self just to fit in and be liked. I became an expert shapeshifter and knew exactly what was expected of me in almost any situation.

The consequences of my inauthenticity led to decades of severe depression, anxiety, and health problems. I first sought help from the medical system, only to find a pattern of symptom suppression and medication that left me feeling more lost than ever. I wanted more than coping mechanisms- I wanted to break free from a broken system!

About Lenna Shift Happens

Photo credit: Rhian White

I have always been a divergent thinker, so I took my healing into my own hands and let my inner explorer lead the way. I was first guided to Ayahuasca which shook me to my core and overwhelmed me on every level. While it opened my eyes to the vastness of existence, it also left me psychologically destabilised and struggling to function.

“A psychedelic experience should not be something you have to recover from”.

From that period of darkness, I learned tools and practices that helped me to recover from those overwhelming experiences. I began working with mushrooms and MDMA which helped me to gradually unearth and heal from the root causes of my suffering.

My own journey informs every aspect of my work today. I’ve delved into many different therapies, modalities and learned from my mistakes along the way.

Photo credit: Rhian White

Clients often tell me “You get me more than any therapist ever has,” and that’s because I’ve walked the same path and I work with women who reflect my own journey. I don’t subscribe to the “expert patient” model because I believe in empowering you to become your own healer.

My journey hasn’t been linear, and neither is yours. I know that through authenticity and self-discovery, we can create lives that truly light us up. From selling my house and buying a camper van to performing stand-up comedy, I’m proof that the path of fulfilment is as unique as we are!

It feels like a relief to finally dance to my own tune and throw away those masks I wore for so long!


Psychedelic Integration Therapy and Sacred Business Coaching 12 month program
Psychedelic school with Shiri M, Godasi

Certified TRE® provider
TRE Centre, London

Certified Women’s Circle Facilitator
Global Sisterhood

Introduction to Counselling
10 week course, City Lit, London

EFT Advanced Practitioner
TT Training Academy

“Lenna is an exceptional facilitator and holds space for you in a natural, safe kind and honest way. Lenna is earthy femininity and grounded roots that anchors you whilst you’re with with her. She sees, feels and hears you.”

Lizzy D