Post journey integration journal
Post journey integration journal
How to use the Journal
The prompts in the Journal are designed to help you reflect on your recent psychedelic experience.
I recommend waiting until at least 1 day after your journey to dive into these questions. Your experience is still unfolding on an unconscious level so it’s best to wait a little while before trying to make sense of anything.
For immediate post-journey integration, I suggest resting, spending time in nature, eating nourishing foods and practising self-care.
It can be useful to do a ‘mind dump’ in the hours following your journey either by writing down everything you can remember or recording a video/voice note. This way, you can come back to it later and don’t have to worry about forgetting important details.

Completing the Journal online
If you prefer to work on screen and fill the Journal in online, click the button below.
The link will open a new tab and take you to Google Docs. You will first be asked if you would like to make copy. Click ‘Make A Copy’ and a copy of the Journal will be saved in your Google Docs drive, where you can then access it at any time to add to it and update it.
Assuming you don’t choose to share it, this copy will be completely private to you – it will not be shared with or accessible by any other person including me.
Downloading and printing out
For those that prefer to read paper documents and hand write notes and thoughts, you can download a PDF copy by clicking the button below.
This will launch the PDF version of the document in a new browser tab, where you can then print it out and save it to your device.
If you have any problem accessing the Journal via either of these methods or require it in a different format, please get in touch through the contact form on the contact page. I will send you a copy directly to your email.
“The tools and strategies that Lenna shared with me are spot on for properly preparing, navigating and integrating the psychedelic experience.”
“Insightful, inspiring, shifting, supportive.. I feel so much more grounded”