My first-hand account of ego-death: I drank the first cup, walked back to my little nest and waited once again. The waiting was the worst part, and my mind started creating stories and projections about how this ceremony might go. “What if nothing happens?”, “what if...
Blogs & Stories
Category: Psychedelic Integration
10 ways to mitigate ‘the bad trip’
"There are no bad trips, only challenging ones" This is a buzz-phrase that has been kicking around the psychedelic community for a long time and I don't believe it to be true. I believe there are bad trips and that they can be mitigated with proper...
What do psychedelics do?
If you’ve never had a psychedelic experience you might be curious about how it feels or what psychedelics actually do. I’ve put together a list of what psychedelics are and what they are not! There’s a lot of questionable information floating around the internet...